Expanding its Solid State Drive (SSD) portfolio in India, Samsung on Wednesday introduced “ Samsung 970 EVO Plus ” — its latest non-volatile memory express (NVMe) with up to 2TB space with the aim to enable IT, tech and gaming industry to easily handle the intensive workload on PCs. Powered by Samsung’s fifth-generation Vertical (V)-NAND technology, “970 EVO Plus” will fuel superior performance in tasks like 4K content editing, 3D modelling and simulation as well as heavy gaming, the company said in a statement. The storage device will be available from February in 250GB, 500GB and 1TB capacities for Rs 6,479, Rs 9,359 and Rs 17,999 respectively whereas the 2TB variant of the device would be made available in April for Rs 35,999. “This upgraded version of our SSD offering promises faster performance, exceptional endurance, unparalleled reliability as well as increased power efficiency,” said Sukesh Jain, Senior Vice President, IT and Mobile Enterprise Business, Samsung Ind...